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Scholarships to study in Norway in 2022/2023 academic year

The Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation announces the provision of scholarships to Russian candidates for study at higher educational institutions in Norway.

Scholarships are provided in accordance with the Agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Knowledge of the Kingdom of Norway on cooperation in the field of education dated April 27, 2010.

In the competition for scholarships in the 2022/2023 academic year, the Norwegian side accepts applications electronically. The necessary information is available on the website https://www.studyinnorway.no

Russian applicants for a Norwegian scholarship must submit documents for both the Norwegian and Russian sides (depending on the requirements of the parties).

In the competition for scholarships in the 2022/2023 academic year, the Norwegian side accepts applications electronically, the documents must be sent to the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) online (details at https://www. studyinnorway.no/norwegian-russian-scholarship) .

The deadline for submitting documents to the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) is March 1, 2022 .

The deadline for submitting documents for the Russian side is until 16:00 on March 3, 2022 .

To be nominated for a Norwegian scholarship, candidates must receive a recommendation from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. To do this, you must send the documents (in Russian) according to the list below, in electronic form in scanned form to the email address [email protected]

Documents for the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:

1. A letter of representation from a higher educational institution, signed by the rector or vice-rector, with the obligatory indication of the chosen university (name in Russian and English), the planned period of study and the language of instruction (Norwegian or English).

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2. Curriculum vitae of the candidate (reference – objective) in any form indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth, data of the Russian internal and foreign passport, home address, contact phone number and e-mail, with a 3×4 cm photo attached.

3. Certificate or certificate of knowledge of a foreign language (Norwegian or English in accordance with the choice of the language of instruction).

4. Certificate of education:

for students of the 2nd year of undergraduate studies: An extract from the record book for the last three semesters or an academic certificate;
for students of subsequent undergraduate courses: An extract from the record book for the entire period of study or an academic certificate;
for undergraduates: A copy of the bachelor’s degree with an insert;
for graduate students: A copy of the master’s diploma with an insert.

5. A copy of the PDF application you sent to the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills

6. A copy of the international passport (the first sheet with a photograph).

7. Form of consent to the processing of personal data (the form is placed on the website http://academicmobility.ru in the heading “About personal data”)

Each of the listed documents must be certified by the seal of the university or a notary (except for items 4,5,6) and be a separate file. Files must be archived in a folder with the name of the candidate, the name of each file must begin with the serial number of the document according to the list (see above).

The applicant must have Russian citizenship and study at a Russian higher education institution.

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The formed lists of nominees will be sent to HK-dir. The final decision on the admission of a candidate for training is made by the Norwegian side.

Travel expenses to the place of internship (study) and back and payment of consular fees upon receipt of visas shall be borne by the seconded person.

About the submission letter:

A letter of submission from a Russian university to a candidate is drawn up in any form addressed to the director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Vladislav Valeryevich Starzhenetsky, signed by the rector or vice-rector (on the letterhead of the university).

The letter of representation must contain the following information:

1. Status at the university (student: course, faculty; undergraduate: course, faculty; graduate student: year of study; scientific and pedagogical worker: position, academic degree, academic title)

2. The country to which the candidate is sent, for which type of study / work (language courses, language internship, scientific internship, scientific work, bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate studies, work as a lecturer of the Russian language, etc.), language of instruction, if possible, the period of study / work (specific dates).

3. In Norway, be sure to indicate the chosen Norwegian university (in Russian and English) and the period of study

4. Why the university recommends this particular candidate (merits).

Detailed information on the conditions for the participation of Russian applicants in the competition can be found on the website HERE

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